Pressure controlled wall air vent SC...
Pressure controlled wall air vent SC...

Pressure controlled wall air vent SC EM A

55.47 €
VAT included

Current thermal insulation systems improve building tightness, but without proper ventilation it causes deterioration of indoor conditions, what leads to bad feeling or allergy. Additionally, excess air moisture leads to the creation of dangerous fungi and mould. Efficient ventilation is essential factor to have a comfortable and healthy flat. Modern ventilation systems enable continuous air exchange according to the specified criteria.

Additional spiro pipe 1mb
  • Nie
  • Tak


Current thermal insulation systems improve building tightness, but without proper ventilation it causes deterioration of indoor conditions, what leads to bad feeling or allergy. Additionally, excess air moisture leads to the creation of dangerous fungi and mould. Efficient ventilation is essential factor to have a comfortable and healthy flat. Modern ventilation systems enable continuous air exchange according to the specified criteria.

Pressure-controlled air vent SC EM A enables proper indoor ventilation by means of the channel in the outer wall automatically regulating air flow up to 30 m3/h (with pressure difference 20 Pa). Due to the usage of acoustic channel the sound attenuation reaches up to 47 dB.


  • automatic regulation of air flow
  • air flow 30 m3/h by 20 Pa
  • damper  enables continuous air flow
  • effective attenuation of outdoor noises
  • easy assembly
  • aesthetic look
  • vent is compatible with the outlet grid Alize Auto

The kit includes:

  • main part – acoustic pressure regulator mounted indoor, dimensions 220x150x52 mm, adjustment unit 125 mm
  • acoustic channel MAC 125 with length 200 mm
  • acoustic external grid GAMP 125 fixed outside the building, dimensions 150x150x20, adjustment unit 125 mm

The kit does not include the channel whose length depends from the length of compartment in which the vent is installed.

Acoustic attenuation

Table of Delivery Costs

Warehouse A
Courier delivery 1 - 30 qty.4.50 €
Courier delivery 31 - 60 qty.9.01 €
Courier delivery 61 - 90 qty.13.51 €
Courier delivery above 91 qty. 0.00 €
Costs and delivery time to be confirmed-

*read more at Delivery

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