Roller blind fabric, group II 182
Roller blind fabric, group II 182
Roller blind fabric, group II 182
Roller blind fabric, group II 182

Roller blind fabric, group II 182

8.50 €

(8.50 € mb)

VAT included

Transparent plain-colour fabrics for the production of internal roller blinds and a variety of window decorations. This group offers fabric patterns providing fairly low shading. Presented fabrics are fashionable trends of interior design that are followed by well-known manufacturers.


Transparent plain-colour fabrics for the production of internal roller blinds and a variety of window decorations. This group offers fabric patterns providing fairly low shading. Presented fabrics are fashionable trends of interior design that are followed by well-known manufacturers. Plain-colour fabrics for the production of interior roller blinds have been made of high-grade materials, so their durability and convenience in use are enormous. Apart from resistance to sunlight the fabrics also feature visual qualities – a wide selection of plain-colour patterns to match the fabric pattern to any interior.


  • light fastness according to DIN EN ISO- 105-B02 - 5%
  • light reflection - 32%
  • light transmission - 56%
  • light absorption - 12%
  • weight  90g / m2
  • thickness 0,18 mm
  • the fabric is thin and very transparent - like a net curtain
  • fabric designed for the production of internal roller blinds
  • fabrics also have other household and industry applications
  • materials used for fabric production meet the highest standards


  • impregnated material that is resistant to staining
  • the fabric provides interiors with privacy
235 cm
Type of fabric
Transparent single-colour fabric
Light transmission

Table of Delivery Costs

Warehouse M
Courier delivery 1 - 15 qty.12.29 €
Courier delivery 16 - 30 qty.24.58 €
Courier delivery 30 - 45 qty.36.88 €
Costs and delivery time to be confirmed-

*read more at Delivery

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